Pacoima Headworks Natural Park is a proposed new project in partnership with the County of Los Angeles, the City of Los Angeles, and the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA).
The Pacoima Headworks Natural Park project envisions converting an underutilized, 3-acre publicly owned, restricted access parcel into a natural open space public park. The property is owned by Los Angeles County Flood Control District (LACFCD) and used to divert channel flows into the Pacoima Spreading Grounds. The site is currently fenced off from the public but can be viewed from the perimeter along Paxton Street and Arleta Avenue. This project will be a partnership between MRCA, the City of Los Angeles, and the County of Los Angeles. To date, the MRCA has had constructive discussions with the County to re-envision a portion of the Headworks area as a City of Los Angeles or MRCA developed natural park.

LA County Public Works has recently begun a three-year construction project to enlarge and enhance the Spreading Grounds, including to reconfigure and bury some of the infrastructure within the Headworks area making a future park possible. The Spreading Grounds improvements are planned to be completed by mid-2024 and will allow for a portion of the Headworks area to be re-envisioned to be publicly accessible open space. Potential improvements to consider include, but are not limited to: trails, shade trees, native landscaping, nature play, gathering area/outdoor classroom, stormwater feature, bioswales for stormwater treatment, smart irrigation, signage, and other amenities.
project responsibilities
Manage project. Obtain project funding, secure agreements, lead design development, community engagement, and construction of park improvements.
Review and permit development of future City natural park.
Public Works: Review and permit development of natural park on fee-owned property; maintain use of maintenance road through natural park footprint. LACFCD will also continue to operate and maintain all Spreading Grounds and flood control infrastructure outside of the proposed park footprint.
what else should I know?

Pacoima Headworks Natural Park project will:
Provide Additional Green Open Park Space
Reduce Green House Gases
Launch a first phase of the Opportunity Areas (OAs) identified in the ULART Plan
June 2020: The Upper Los Angeles River and Tributaries Revitalization (ULART) Plan was adopted.
November 2021: Pacoima Headworks Natural Park project was recommended to seek funding from the SMMC by the ULART Working Group.
May 2022- January 2023: Schematic Design
April- December 2023: Design Development and seek project agreements.
*Continue to check in for new updates
MRCA is dedicated to the preservation and management of local open space and parkland, watershed, trails, and wildlife habitat. We work in cooperation with the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy and other local government partners to acquire and improve open space and parkland, support environmental education opportunities, and provide stewardship for a wide variety of park and recreation amenities.
Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority
570 W. Avenue 26, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90065 | publicaffairs@mrca.ca.gov |
Tel: 323-221-9944 | www.mrca.ca.gov
Project Manager: Brian Baldauf
(323) 221-9944 Ext. 190